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Make Every Day A Good Skin Day

Having good-looking skin every day is something that almost everyone wishes for. It's not that different from wanting to have a good hair day every single day. Fortunately, you can take many steps to ensure that your skin looks beautiful all the time. Indeed, setting up a good skin care routine is easily accomplished and can make all the difference in the condition of your skin. OK, what are some steps you can take to ensure a "good skin day" daily? This article will give you some tips for immediately action so you have a head start on beautiful skin every day. Don't try to do it yourself, especially if you have problem skin. Find a dermatologist who can help you. For those of you with skin problems such as acne or rosacea this is a necessity. Another good reason to get the advice of a dermatologist is to alleviate any concerns you may have that the skin care routine you are using is the best one for your skin and is safe. You can learn a lot of good tips on the best way to take care of your skin after you and your dermatologist give your skin a thorough evaluation. Believe me, your dermatologist knows a lot more than the propaganda you will read in the advertisements from skin care product companies! Don't disregard the advice of your dermatologist. That is one of the most important rules to healthy skin. Cut down on the amount of sodium you ingest every day. A huge amount of salt is found in fast foods and drinks like pop and will give your skin a swollen look. Salt will cause your body to reserve water. So lessen the intake of salt and you will lessen the chance of creating a puffy appearance. It can produce and undesirable look to your skin in general. Cutting back on sodium will reduce bloating and puffiness and it's good for the health of your body too. Your heart and coronary systems will benefit greatly by a lower salt intake. When you think about skin care, make sure you are thinking about your complete body. Taking care of your skin should not only have to do with your face, but your entire body. Be vigil about skin maintenance; which basically consists of making sure your skin is kept unsoiled and hydrated. Apply cleansers that soft, but will still get the job of hydrating done, also apply lotion as needed, and remember to control what foods and drinks you are eating and drinking. Your face is important, sure, but if the rest of your skin isn't healthy it is only a matter of time before that unhealthfulness catches up to your face. There are so many things that go into making our skin look and feel unhealthy but there are just as many things that we can do to improve the look, feel and health of our skin too. Most of the time, the choices that we make in regard your skin can make it look absolutely fantastic. We've talked about a few of the things you can do in this article. And with a little due diligence on your own time, your skin will benefit even more.

Some Skin Parasites Can Ruin Your Sex Life

Some Skin Parasites Can Ruin Your Sex Life
Certain skin parasites can ruin your sex life--especially if you're single. Not to say that if you're married they won't cause a living hell either. Fact is that by the time the infected person discovers he's infected with skin parasites, he's already infected his partner. And with these skin parasites, the last thing you'd be interested in is sex for you see you'll be so busy dealing with the itching skin and the biting that you won't be interested in having sexual relations.
What kind of skin parasites could cause this kind of itching skin and biting hell? According to the experts there are several things to look for on your body to determine if you may be infected with skin parasites.
Non healing lesions or sores.
Fibers or filaments on skin at various non-healing sites where the skin parasites reside. You can see it with the use of a jeweler's loop and they are also fluorescent under a ultra violet light.
Cotton-like balls on your body without any reasonable explanation.
Intense itching skin.
Stinging or biting.
Hair loss.
Chronic fatigue.
Brain fog.
Hard nodules under the skin.
Fibromyalgia or joint swelling and pain.
Black specs on the skin and bed sheets.
Presence of tiny strawberry type of spots--look like bright red blood spots just under the skin.
Any three or more of these symptoms are associated with the Morgellons skin parasite plus a co infection of protozoan and or Lyme disease.
Morgellons is just one of several skin parasites that reek havoc on the skin causing itching skin and biting symptoms that are relentless. Other parasites that cause some of the same symptoms are:
Collembola (Spring tails)
Strongyloides stercoralis-a nematode
Which ones are present is not easily diagnosed. In fact there are no recognized diagnostic procedures for Collembola and Morgellons and most doctors, upon examination of the skin, diagnose the problem as stress, being in your imagination, anxiety, general nervousness, Rosacea's Red Face, or worse yet that you have delusions of parasitosis,folie a deux, folie a tois, or acarophobia--enough to drive one away from managing stress to anxiety panic attack.
For strongyloides stercoralis there is a laboratory in Tucker GA, Parasitic Disease Consultants 2177 Flintstone  Dr. Suite J, Tucker GA 30084 that will perform a blood antibody test for about 75. The phone number is 770-496-1370.  But don't hold your breadth; even if it's diagnosed as strongyloides stercoralis, doctors are very unfamiliar with its treatment. Whereas they prescribe antibiotics for bacterial infections like candy, they are totally unfamiliar with the use of wormers and may not prescribe the correct one or the right dosage.
And then again, since these skin parasites weaken one's immune functioning, other parasites such as collembola may have joined the fray complicating the treatment. In fact, for both Collembola and Morgellons there is no recognized  treatment by the CDC--they are just beginning to research Morgellons.
Being infected with these skin parasites is a living hell-perhaps like Job's experience in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible. But what's even worse, is that some of these skin parasites are extremely contagious. One person inadvertently gave them to her sister by exchanging dresses at a wedding; many infected from simply living in the same household; some infected from sitting in an infected chair; one claimed that she sat across from someone who was infected
In the absence of getting any treatment from one's doctor, in desperation he/she generally goes to the internet for solutions which is where one wants to be cautious. Everyone who has had some success with some kind of parasite claims to have some kind of regime for dealing with parasites-some harmless and inexpensive and some as much as 1,600 claiming cure.
Cure is a relative word. Cure after simply a few months exposure can be accomplished with some specific inexpensive skin creams. Cure after years of exposure is highly unlikely without the diet. After having suffered for approximately two years I discovered a dietary connection. There are foods that feed skin parasites and foods that starve them. The trick is to eat the foods that starve them and avoid the foods that feed them. The diet has kept me symptom free and healthy and yes, I've tried everything which is what my e-book entitled Soothing the Itch Within and the Diet to Control It is all about.
Suffering from skin parasites raises some important questions. How do you bathe? What skin creams or lotions provide results? How do you get skin parasites out of your bedding, furniture, rugs? Although your doctor has no answers to these questions there are real down to earth answers to get your life (including sex) life back to normal.

Top Ten Tips for Lazy Dieters

Tip no. 1: Set SMART goals. Goals give dieters something to aim for and are a good source of inspiration. Fitness experts worldwide would agree that all goals you set should adhere to the following acronym:

S (simple): All goals should be easy to remember. Saying I want to lose 20lbs of fat, gain 10lbs of muscle, speed up my metabolism and lower my cholesterol in 6 weeks unless I get promoted in which case I want to lose 10lbs of body weight in 8 weeks may well be ambitious and time-considerate, but you are hardly going to remember it in 6 weeks when you need to figure out how much you have lost.

M (Measurable): Your goals should almost always contain a number. Whether it is to drop 10kg or to fit into those 34 inch jeans, having numbers involved means that you can check your own progress.

A (Achievable): Many people often ask me: Is it possible to lose all this weight in 3 weeks or I want to lose 50 kilos! Can I do it before Christmas? The answer to the latter question is usually a resounding no, and I often suggest that these people might want to set themselves a target that can actually be hit. Above all, it prevents disappointment and makes them less likely to fall off the rails halfway through a dieting program.

R (Realistic): Your goals should reflect your lifestyle. It is a good idea to diet when you are likely to have little stress from outside influences (such as work) and you have plenty of time for the exercise you enjoy.

T (Time-considerate): Which of the following sounds like a more positive statement: I am going to lose 20lbs, or I am going to lose 20lbs in 10 weeks? If you never put a limit on when you need to lose the weight by, you are never going to push yourself to shed those pounds.

Tip no. 2: Write Down Everything You Eat. Many people are overweight because they are heavy snackers and eat far too much than they realise. The simplest way to beat this is by writing down everything you eat. That way, when you eat something that you did not mean to eat, you will know about it.

Tip no. 3: Use Smaller Plates. As silly as this may sound, a smaller plate will look fuller than a bigger plate with the same amount on it, so your mind will tell the rest of your body that it is getting more food. Besides, you can only fit so much on a small plate!

Tip no. 4: Proteins. Low fat protein rich food, such as egg whites and chicken breast, are fantastic for dieters that want larger portions, as they contain amino acids that build muscle fibres. Aim for 60g per day (I favour tofu or soya bean; its cheap, easy to fry -with fat-free Pam spray- and contains beaucoup protein).

Tip no. 5: Low Carbs, Not NO Carbs! Atkins enthusiasts rave about the benefits of carb-starving and that fats are not really that bad, but the simple fact is that your body needs carbs as a basic energy, so after starving yourself of them only to eat them again, your body stores that energy as, you guessed it; fat! Aim for around 240-260g of carbohydrates per day (look at potatoes, pasta, rice and wholemeal bread).

Tip no. 6: Buy a Bag of Nutrasweet. Any sweetener can be used as a sugar substitute and I believe they taste fairly similar. Plus, a tablespoonful contains about 0.1 calories, compared to the 18 that you will often find in sugar.

Tip no. 7: Lift Weights. Lifting light weights can burn calories and tone up every muscle in your body. It is a common misconception that lifting weights will always build big muscles, which is something that many women are keen to avoid. However, this is only true if your body is of the correct somatotype (body shape) and if you really are overweight then believe me, its not.

Tip no. 8: Drink Green Tea. The benefits of green tea have long been discussed, the main one being that it contains the right chemicals to speed up your basal metabolism (which in turn burns fat faster). Two cups per day (without sugar!) is enough, while the only known side effects are that the caffeine in it can cause minor sleep deprivation, so drink it in the morning.

Tip no. 9: Get Busy! As I mentioned earlier, many overweight people are heavy snackers and these are usually people with two much time on their hands (that are often bored). The best way to combat this is to, quite simply, do something! Getting a new hobby, and therefore spending less time near the TV, are ways to keep you away from the fridge.

Tip no 10: Stop Talking About it! Diet must be one of the most discussed topics in modern society, yet, the people who talk about it are often the ones who want to lose weight. Then, how to prevent obesity? The real secret is to get on with it. As of tomorrow, you are officially dieting, so scribble down five small meals and brew yourself a cup of green tea!

Make Up

How to Wear Make Up and Still Look Natural
There are some who wouldn't be caught dead in public without make up and then there are some who refuse to wear make up at all and prefer the natural look.

Some people have told me they like to let their skin breathe. Well don't worry about it! There's plenty of skin on your body, let the rest of it do the breathing! Your skin is fed from the inside and won't suffer so long as you make sure you cleanse at the end of the day.

But you can actually create a natural look using make up. That way you can have that clean fresh appearance while being able to disguise those flaws that you (and probably only you!) dislike.

So let's have a basic lesson on how to apply make up to create a fresh natural look.

Natural make up techniques

We'll look at base (foundation), concealer, powder and blush this time and in part 2 go on to how to apply make up for the eyes and mouth.

In the case of applying make up the term "less is more" definitely applies! If your going to enjoy a big night out on the town that's different - use your bright eye shadow, lippie and glittery mascara. You can put on a bit more foundation too, to create a flawless palate on which to "paint" your masterpiece!

But during the day whether you're at work, at home or hitting the shops you don't want to look like Coco the clown! Too much makeup can actually appear very ageing.

So let's start with a really clean face. For daytime use a moisturizing sunscreen or sun block. If your skin is oily use a non oily one, if it's very dry use both moisturizer and sun block.

Make up base (or foundation) comes in many types, liquid, stick, cream etc. Mostly this is a matter of preference although the stick or "solid" base usually has a better coverage and will hide things like broken veins almost completely. The liquid bases have a lighter coverage and will give a more natural look.

If your skin is oily, the dry compact bases work well, or opt for an oil free liquid one. Dry skins like the cream bases which give a moist 'dewy' appearance.

Make sure the base you choose matches the colour of your skin as closely as possible. Don't try and create a darker sun tanned look with your base, there are bronzing powders specially created for this. Go outside the store when selecting different colours and make sure they look ok in natural light. It's best to test on your jaw line rather your wrist.

Don't buy pre-packaged make-up bases from the supermarket, you'll not be able to try them on!

Concealers are great for that natural look, you can cover blemishes and broken veins with a concealer without having to use a heavy base all over your face.

Concealers also come in different forms but they all do the same job. You can buy them with built in sunscreen and also with anti bacterial additives if you like. Try to find one just slightly lighter than your skin tone.
Pat the concealer onto the area you wish to cover. Don't rub hard or it will disappear into your pores. Make sure it is blended well and has no "tide marks".

Now dot the base onto your face. Use the sheerest one you can. Don't use too much at first, you can always add more.

Blend really well. Some make up artists recommend a damp sponge, but fingers work just as well. Make sure you blend into the hairline, sides of face, around the nose and particularly the jaw line. Don't just stop at the jaw, your face will look like a mask. Just blend away to nothing before your throat, that way you won't get make-up stains on your collar.

Powder is optional but I like to use it as it "sets" your make-up and absorbs excess oil. Press the powder onto your face with a puff or you may prefer to use a powder brush. After a couple of minutes brush the powder off using light downward strokes.

Next apply blusher. Brush this lightly on the apple of your cheeks and up towards the temples. Don't put too much on your brush, you can always go over it again. If you are using a cream blusher, apply this before powder. Dot onto the apple of your cheeks and blend in up to the temples. Blend really well!

Now for my special tip. Place a cool damp (not wet) face washer over your face and press very gently. this will give the whole face a fresh look - Gorgeous!

Fashion Trends for Jewelry

A continuing trend that drives designer’s picks for fashion colors is the consumers’ drive for individuality, fashion, and escapism. People in the market are looking for jewelry that will make them more fashionable. Sometimes people can go for a more adventurous and daring piece of jewelry, and sometimes people can accessorize with subtle jewelry. Whatever the choice is for the day, no one can go wrong with putting on some few fabulous jewels.

If one wants to pull out an adventurous look, luckily the latest industry predictions for Spring 2011 show that designers have opted for colors on the opposite side of the color spectrum. This spring is in it for vivid, bright, and lively colors. So how can anyone go wrong throwing on a amethyst ring, or a aquamarine one. Even a black diamond ring can throw off anyone’s outfit. Colors are in for this spring. Citrine earrings, blue topaz earrings, aquamarine earrings, pink sapphires, and smoky topaz earrings can really brighten up your wardrobe, and you will definitely fall into this seasons latest trend. Gems are also always enriched with deep and vivid colors, and at CoutureLineX all of these mentioned colors and jewelry are available. Remember bright colors are going to make you pop, and there is no problem looking dazzling this spring.

Another popular trend this season, are the neutral colors that play the backbone for all other colors to play on. These nude hues leave an honest vibe that makes anyone relaxed, calm, and approachable. Even gold is trending in this style. Any type of gold chain, ring, or earrings, can give someone a relaxed style, and also look very trendy for this season. Smoky Topaz earrings would be a great example to following this trend, and can be viewed at CoutureLineX. This light brown gives a haze to one’s look, looking fresh and ready for spring! You can also mix up your look with a garnet and diamond mixed earring, giving you a fresh look, which is parallel to the neutral colors giving off this season.

Going for a subtler look? No one can go wrong having a white diamond ring. A regular diamond can give off your presence in a classy and even a flirtatious way. If diamonds are not your thing, throw on a classic pearl necklace. Every one should have at least one pearl necklace in their jewelry box. Having a simple necklace around your neck won’t do you wrong either.


fashion buty

A good number of grown up adult females should really avert brazilian bikinis and even pick out you chunk bikinis and tankinis simply because a lot of these achieve usually tend to start looking alot more cool. Even while they might be not have that body to a mannequin, there's a lot of categories of bralilian bikinis designed for grown up adult females to raise ones own physical structure sizes and shapes and even cause them to be start looking cool and even captivating. Nevertheless Sally Mirren, that presenter, is photographed within age sixty two exploring magnificent at a green string bikini, We negotiate which will grown up adult females go for you chunk bikinis, swimdresses or simply tankinis when i presume some not as much drag during this grow old is without a doubt alot more polished and even classy.
Assuming you have a major chest then simply go for versions which will develop which will community and even take away belonging to the tummy community. Have a shot at bikinis through flowered truck bed covers and even clear soles, and gift wrap throughout versions which will cover up that tummy and even piont up that chest. Grown up adult females start looking decent on dazzling colorations and relatively patterns which will divulge the ideal to their complexion, simply because dreary, clear colorations will be able to start looking previous and even typical and even pipe them all in hue. They may start looking decent at a match that only has a substantial neckline through great secure and even scooped once again as well as a pattern with lad thighs and legs and pants to coat in the truck bed covers belonging to the thighs and legs some.Learn more about high waisted bikini for Sale by Onwer and get orange bikini for sale bikini panties to find the best deal in the area

Order a reliable match that contain lycra that will ones own match continue to keep the nation's figure as well as to present you with alot more guidance. Have a shot at having on an important reciprocal sarong available ones own a waist, a fairly hay baseball cap to guard one belonging to the the sun as well as a contemporary maxi clothing to help you pull at throughout ones own fancy dress costume, and you will definitely establish a luxurious magnificent body which will bring a number of appreciating looks.
In cases where you're some ugly near the core, some other decent pick is known as a tankini simply because a lot of these stick with the briefs and even allow undercover dress ones own tummy. Moreover, that truck bed covers and even soles can be bought distinctive capacities, helping to make them all highly handy. Just like beating downward each individual half belonging to the fancy dress costume reduce weight ones own a waist and even offer very good exploring figure and even beating distressed flat in a trench on the top to a match take away belonging to the pectoral community and even drags ones own eye lids together to the facial skin.
Order a match with a built in keyrings simply because little is alot more disgusting rather than loose juggs. If you happen to transfer around the swimming pool area consistently to remain of form next you could possibly end up far better to buy a you chunk match which can be more desirable towards the implement. You will find a many sporty exploring bralilian bikinis designed for grown up adult females which will implement beating within a imaginative option. Grow old is barely a lot and even there is no rationality why an adult lovely women shouldn’t get to add that match in the pick and even de-stress in the beach destination and for the swimming pool area, sensing reassured which will your lady feels the most beneficial, while not thinking compact about how precisely exactly smaller kids available the 're looking.

fashion show

Girls are just fond of the fashion, and so if you want to plan a party for your daughter then the fairy party is one of the finest options. Though being common idea it is still in trend and it is still followed that the young girl’s parties are mostly of the fashion show parties. In Dallas and Fort Worth areas most of the girls are following the same theme for their party as it is coolest theme and also the most fascinating theme. These days it is impossible to go in the world of fairies, but still in this 21st century there are various advancement, and so you can even give your daughter the surprise party with the theme of fairy party with the fashion show.
Fort Worth dress up parties are very much in fame as it is offering your daughter joy as well as giving you the best experience of being in fairy apparel. These parties will give you completely make over as per the latest fashion and thus it makes you feel more enthusiastic. The other important and great thing hidden in these parties is that you can even participate with your family members. The young girls completely dressed up in the new fashion clothes give the joy to the eyes and also it enhances the charm of the party. Dallas dress up parties and the Arlington TX dress up parties are known around the world for enhancing the beauty of young innocent girls with giving them make over and completely exposing their hidden beauty and talent with joy. Fort Worth fashion show parties are also very much fascinating due to the proper arrangements done for the success of the parties and thus you too can now plan such a party for your daughter. The fashion show party is one of the most expected gifts for the girls from their parents, which gives them the most memorable moments of their life. Also in such parties children can get pleasure from as well as it is most sophisticate way of keeping the party, so that all the kids can have the flawless fun and feel free to show their talent. Dallas fashion show parties are also offering you costumes which make you look like that of your favorite Barbie doll and these young girls just rock the ramp in their Barbie apparel. This is the reason that majority of the girls are fond of the fairy party theme with the fashion shows in the party. The most of the best part of the Dallas fashion show parties is that it is giving you the best service and also it is perfectly suiting to your pocket as well. This is the reason that most of parents are planning such graceful Fort Worth fashion show parties for their daughters, in which they get completely joy and also within the limited expense of the bugs. The Arlington TX dress up parties is now in fashion and thus it is running successful as it is fulfilling the dream of many girls.


The Italian fashion group Prada SpA reported about a 36.5% jump in first-half revenue, which business was driven mainly by the Prada and Miu Miu brands which grew by 40.5% and 23.6%, respectively. Prada is one of the world leaders in the luxury goods sector, which competes with Louis Vuitton (LVHM) and PPR’s Gucci. Prada operates with the Prada, Miu Miu, Church’s and Car Shoe brand, production and distribution of luxury handbags, leather goods, footwear, apparel and accessories. The Group also operates, under licensing agreements, in the eyewear, fragrances and mobile telephone sectors. Its products are sold in 70 countries worldwide through a network.
Acording to the report of Prada all geographical areas contributed strongly and the best performance achieved the Asia-Pacific with a revenue growth of 45%, followed by 37.3% in Europe, 34.2% in Japan, 31% in the Americas and 21.7% in Italy. In the first half of 2012 the Prada Group developed its retail network by opening 28 new stores and taking the total number of DOS ( Director of Sales) to 414 at the end of July 2012, of which 263 Prada, 102 Miu Miu, 43 Church’s and 6 Car shoes.

Since the beginning of the year 2012, Prada opened new stores all over the world. The first was opened on 2 February 2012 in Padova, Italy, in a historic palazzo located between Piazza Garibaldi and via S. Lucia, a hot spot in the city’s luxury shopping district. The second store was opened in same month in Moscow, Russia, in the prestigious “Crocus City Mall”, the capital’s top luxury shopping destination, followed just one month later on 12 March 2012 by a second store opening in Moscow in an impressive building located in Bolshaya Dmitrovka at Stoleshnikov Pereylok, in the heart of the city’ shopping district, which is now one of Prada’s largest stores in Europe with 1470 square meters.
Further shops were opened in March 2012 in Nagoya, Japan, inside the prestigious ‘Matsuzakaya’ mall, the luxury shopping destination of the city and in Houston, Texas at ‘The Galleria’. In April Prada opned new stores at the prestigious Charles de Gaulle airport, Paris, inside Terminal 2 link A/C and another one dedicated to its men’s collections in Porto Cervo. In May the Prand expaned with opening two shops in Casablanca’s prestigious “Morocco Mall”, and its first mono-brand boutique in the elegant Khreshatyk Passage in Kiev which is the top luxury shopping destination of the city. In June Prada opened its largest boutique in Dubai, UAE, in the prestigious “Mall of the Emirates” and the latest shop was launched in Taiyuan, China, in the Tianmei Plaza mall.